things to ponder

Thursday, August 5, 2010

who am I

OK. who am I ? I know who i was or who i wanted to be when i was a kid but who am i now?
You  know when i got out of the military to raise my children and become a housewife i was charting new water. never in a million did i think I would become a domestic goddess. how ever tho the road has been tough i feel i am becoming who god waned me to be. I think i am almost prod to say iam a stay at home yes that is me.   Lets see what else i am.
prior military
navy wife
mother of 2
daughter to my mother
granddaughter to my grandparents

I teach a.w.a.n.a at my church.
I am a ordained Minister
I am a volunteer for habitat for humanity.
I sew things or i try really hard
I make my own cloth wipes and solution
I can make home made spaghetti and tortilla from scratch.
iam a zumba student
i am a trueblood and twilight fan
im afraid of the dark and bugs
i love the smell of old spice and the smell just after it rains
i love thunder storms
i caught a eight foot shark in Hawaii
i got in a cage in the ocean with my husband that was surrounded by sharks for our honey moon
i went parasailing
I'm afraid of heights
i have 5 tattoos
i love animals
i have boycotted McDonald's because of there inhumane treatment to the animals they slaughter

I think some times we lose sight of how we impact or normal lives and how we live just walking through it. i want that zest for life i want that happy family that has game night and goes to church on Sundays. i want to be happy with normal. but until i let go of who i was and embrace who i am i will never be,

challenge: take a second to think of who you are list your talents and the thinks ,you want to do maybe we can teach each other how to embrace life.